Keinohrhasen (English title: Rabbit Without Ears) is a 2007 German romantic comedy film, written, produced and directed by Til Schweiger. Co-written by Anika Decker, and starring Nora Tschirner and himself, the story of the film revolves around a philandering gossip reporter Ludo who reconvene with his ex-classmate Anna when he is sentenced to 300 hours of community service at her day-care facility.
Dahil sa nakita kong video ng Onerepublic sa youtube kaya nacurious ako sa movie na ost niya. A really nakakakilig, funny and witty film. Kahit na effort dahil kelangan ko pang ayusin ang subtitle na nadownload ko dito, it was all worth it. I am wishing I could get hold of the sequel for this movie.